This page lists a set of usefull utilities as well as an overview of the provided cookbooks.
- Docker - a virtualisation technology
- Gdal/OGR - a format conversion utility for spatial files
- Git - a versioning system
- Jupyter notebooks - Interactive notebooks
- Local tunnel - Set up a local tunnel to the web
- Python - A common programming language in data science
- R - A language for statistics
- Visual Studio Code - A text editor
Available cookbooks
- 52north
- AWStats
- Codelist extensions
- Codelist publishing
- deegree
- ESRI Geoportal Server
- FROST server
- GeoCat Bridge, GeoNetwork and GeoServer
- GeoHealthCheck
- GeoNetwork
- GeoServer
- GRLC.io
- Hale Connect
- Hale Studio consume GML
- Hale Studio
- INSPIRE Geoportal
- INSPIRE Link Checker
- INSPIRE Soil in a relational database
- JMeter
- ldproxy
- MapServer
- Postgraphile and GraphQL
- pycsw
- pygeoapi
- pygeometa
- rasdaman
- Re3gistry
- RML.io
- SQL and python
- tarql
- URI policy
- Virtuoso and Skosmos
- WebDav
- XtraServer
- Zenodo