OGC API Features from a proxied WFS using ldproxy
ldproxy is an open source product by interactive instruments. The team has an important role in the development of the suite of new OGC API’s and the implementation of ldproxy is an important aspect of that process.
Quick start
Run the image
docker run -p7080:7080 -v${PWD}:/ldproxy/data iide/ldproxy
Navigate to https://localhost:7080/manager/
Login as usr:admin pwd:admin (set new password)
You arrive in the ‘services’ page, create a new service with
button top rightWe’re setting up LDProxy to act as a proxy to provide OGC API Features over an existing WFS. Select type
Provide a name and a WFS url (for example https://maps.isric.org/mapserv?map=/map/wosis_latest.map&request=getcapabilities&service=wfs)
. You return to the list of services, select the one you’ve just created and click on thehome
button top right to open it.Click
Access the data
, select acollection
to visualise the items of the collection.
With a tunnel, you can test the local service using inspire OGC API Features validator.