R Statistics


Paul van Genuchten


November 10, 2022

r is a statistics utility commonly used in the soil statistics. R is typically extended with a series of libraries, like GDAL and grassgis. Due to the amount of plugins required, some with a difficult installation procedure and potential high use of resources, the use of virtualisation, such as Docker, is common in soil data statistics.

Soil Mapping spring school

R is used to generate SoilGrids from the global Soil Profile database WoSIS.

At intervals ISRIC organises a spring school on soil mapping using R in case you’re interested in this topic.

Accessing SQL data from R.

Since many soil observation data is stored in relational databases, but processing in R requires a flat data view, it is relevant to have reproducable conventions to access sql data in R. David Rositter described an approach to load soil profile data into R from sqlite in 2017. For PostGreSQL a similar approach should be possible using RPostres.

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