OGC API Features with pygeoapi

In this recipe we’ll set up an instance of pygeoapi with some soil data. A good practice is available on how to provide an INSPIRE download service based on OGC API Features. pygeoapi is an open source python server implementation of OGCAPI Features, Tiles, Maps, Coverages, Records and Processes.

Quick start

The recipe is based on Docker. New to docker? Read more in the Docker recipe.

  • With commandline in a new folder, run this command:
docker run -p 5000:80 geopython/pygeoapi:latest
  • Navigate with your browser to http://localhost:5000

If all went fine, you now see the default pygeoapi installation with sample data. In the next step we’ll publish a new soil dataset. pygeoapi’s configuration is stored in a config file. The config file is encoded as YAML. The first part configures the main settings of the service, in the second part individual datasets are configured.

  • Download the Dutch INSPIRE dataset ‘soil drills’ from https://service.pdok.nl/bzk/brobhrpvolledigeset/atom/v1_1/downloads/brobhrpvolledigeset.zip
  • Unzip the file to the work folder
  • Create a local config file in the folder, download it from here
  • Remove all the datasets from the config folder, and replace it for the following:
        type: collection
        title: BRO
        description: Bro soil drills
            - soil
            - type: application/geopackage+sqlite
              rel: canonical
              title: source data
              href: https://service.pdok.nl/bzk/brobhrpvolledigeset/atom/v1_1/downloads/brobhrpvolledigeset.zip
              hreflang: en-US
                bbox: [-180,-90,180,90]
                crs: http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/OGC/1.3/CRS84
            -   type: feature
                name: OGR
                    source_type: GPKG
                    source: /pygeoapi/brobhrpvolledigeset.gpkg
                        SHPT: POINT
                id_field: bro_id
                layer: borehole_research
  • Mount config file in containter
docker run -p 5000:80 -v ${PWD}/pygeoapi-config.yml:/pygeoapi/local.config.yml -v ${PWD}/brobhrpvolledigeset.gpkg:/pygeoapi/brobhrpvolledigeset.gpkg  geopython/pygeoapi:latest


JRC recently extended the INSPIRE validator. It can now also validate an OGC API Features service. Because docker runs locally, you need to set up a tunnel for the validator to access the local service. Read the tunnel recipe to see how to do that.

Read more

At masterclass edition 2023 Tom Kralidis presented the geopython ecosystem, including pygeoapi.

The geopython community has prepared a workshop on getting started with pygeoapi.