Metadata recommendation/comparison




November 8, 2022

The aim of the table is to list usefull metadata properties in various metadata profiles. The list is presented in a table created as a mapping between several metadata standards and guidances, starting from the metadata list.

The status of the metadata are precised for each source: mandatory or recommended. The column ‘overall recommendation’ is a synthesis of the compared sources, completed with personal recommendations. Those recommendations are not official, will probably evolve, and might just be seen as a basis for further reflections.

Main topic Sub topic H2020 INSPIRE DataCite overall recommendation
Title Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory highly recommended
Alternative title
Link to data Mandatory highly recommended
Other ID Agency
Other ID Identifier
Contact Name
Contact Affiliation Mandatory highly recommended
Contact e-mail Mandatory Mandatory highly recommended
Author Name Mandatory highly recommended
Author Affiliation
Author Identifier scheme
Author Identifier
Contributor Type Recommended Recommended
Contributor Name Recommended Recommended
Contributor Affiliation Recommended Recommended
Contributor Identifier scheme Recommended Recommended
Contributor Identifier Recommended Recommended
Producer Name
Producer Affiliation
Producer Abbreviation
Producer URL
Producer Logo URL
Production date Mandatory highly recommended
Production place
Distributor Name
Distributor Affiliation
Distributor Abbreviation
Distributor URL
Distributor Logo URL
Distribution date Mandatory Mandatory highly recommended
Description Text Mandatory Mandatory Recommended highly recommended
Description Language Mandatory highly recommended
Description Date Mandatory highly recommended
Language Mandatory highly recommended
Subject Mandatory Mandatory highly recommended
Keyword Term Mandatory highly recommended
Keyword Term URI Recommended
Keyword Vocabulary Mandatory highly recommended
Keyword Vocabulary URL Recommended
Topic classification Term
Topic classification Vocabulary
Topic classification Vocabulary URL
Kind of data Mandatory Mandatory highly recommended
Other kind of data
Data origin
Data sources
Origin of sources
Characteristics of sources noted
Documentation and access to sources
Software Name
Software Version
Series Name
Series Information
Life cycle step
Related publication Citation
Related publication ID type
Related publication ID number
Related publication URL
Related material Mandatory highly recommended
Related dataset Related dataset citation
Related dataset Related dataset ID type
Related dataset Related dataset ID number
Related dataset Related dataset URL Mandatory highly recommended
Other references
Grant information Grant agency
Grant information Grant number Mandatory highly recommended
Project information Project acronym Mandatory highly recommended
Project information Project title Mandatory highly recommended
Project information Project ID
Project information Link to project website
Project information Project work package
Project information Project task
Time period covered Start Mandatory highly recommended
Time period covered End Mandatory highly recommended
Date of collection Start Mandatory highly recommended
Date of collection End Mandatory highly recommended
Depositor Mandatory highly recommended
Deposit Date Mandatory Mandatory highly recommended
Geographic coverage Country / Nation Recommended
Geographic coverage State / Province Recommended
Geographic coverage City Recommended
Geographic coverage Other Recommended
Geographic unit
Geographic bounding box West longitude Mandatory Recommended highly recommended
Geographic bounding box East longitude Mandatory Recommended highly recommended
Geographic bounding box North latitude Mandatory Recommended highly recommended
Geographic bounding box South latitude Mandatory Recommended highly recommended
Quality and validity Lineage Mandatory highly recommended
Quality and validity Spatial resolution Mandatory highly recommended
Quality and validity Degree Mandatory highly recommended
Type of semantic resource
Representation syntax
Nature of the semantic resource
Designed for
Information on the current version Version status
Information on the current version Version
Information on the current version Modification date
Information on the current version Changes
Bug tracker
SPARQL endpoint
Bug tracker
SPARQL endpoint
Waiver highly recommended
Terms of use highly recommended
Confidentiality declaration
Special permission
Restrictions highly recommended
Citation requirements highly recommended
Depositor requirements
Terms of access
Request access highly recommended
Data access place highly recommended
Original archive
Availibility status
Contact for access highly recommended
Size of collection
Study completion